Following the Feast – A Gratitude Roundup

Photo credit: Sandy Reich

By Melanie P. Moore

For your recovery day after turkey trots and tryptophan naps, here’s a smattering of what contemplatives and others have had to said about gratitude.

Nadia Bolz-Weber on being afraid to be happy.

Diana Butler Bass suggests a nonhierarchical vision of gratitude that might rescue us.

Dan Rather asks what to make of Thanksgiving in our current moment.

Lay and monastic leaders at Thich Nhat Hanh’s Plum Village reflect on the practice of gratitude.

Here’s a brief meditation on gratitude from Rachel Held Evans.

Kate Bowler wrote a Thanksgiving blessing for when you don’t feel terribly thankful.

Richard Rohr on the gratitude that flows from St. Francis of Assisi’s relationship with nature and God.

After iced tea and a sandwich, Caroline Myss shares a prayer of gratitude.

And, simply because I’m grateful to have stumbled upon this, here’s Barbara Brown Taylor in Memphis earlier this year asking, “Who wants to be salt and light in a world of hot sauce and neon?”

All of us at Practicing Presence and The Abbey are grateful for each of you—our fellow travelers on the contemplative spiritual path.

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