
Joseph Clavijo
Rev. Joseph M. Clavijo (Deacon Joey) is a retired deacon in the Episcopal Church, licensed to serve in the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas. Canonically resident of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana, his ministry revolves around the connected works of Evangelism, Creation Care ,and Racial Reconciliation.
Deacon Joey was formed for ministry through The Iona Collaborative at the Seminary of the Southwest, ordained deacon in 2018, and served as parochial deacon at St. George’s Episcopal Church in New Orleans where he served as hospital chaplain and served the local homeless community.
In 2020-21 he completed a certificate program through Sewanee: The University of the South on Contemplation and Care for Creation where he remains connected with The Center for Deep Green Faith and facilitates small groups in nature contemplation and care for creation through courses on eco spirituality and eco theology.
Deacon Joey is husband to Donna, father of Michael and Michelle, grandfather to Patrick and Christian. He spends time in nature contemplation, centering prayer, and enjoys time with friends on various Zoom sessions around the country. His hobbies are music, reading, and taking daily walks with puppy dogs.

How Do We Live Into the Good News of the Gospel in a Climate-changed World?
By Joseph Clavijo As the world swelters under record-breaking heat, ablaze by wildfires, more severe storms,