
Hannah Gourgey
Hannah learned how to read late in her childhood turning to books only after she was booted from Brownies for cursing. Much to her siblings’ mortification and her parent’s bemusement, she invented and performed stories to the neighborhood block in New York well before she could read. So, writing felt simply like her second skin.
Originally planning on an academic career to assuage her endless curiosity, Hannah fell in love with the activist life of the non-profit world and now integrates her love of collaborative action in her work as a Senior Fellow at the Aspen Institute. Hannah holds a Ph.D. in Communication and Cultural Studies from The University of Texas at Austin. She has several publications relating to education change, communication and cultural theory and civic participation.
Hannah is currently working on an historical novel, a feminist twist to the legend of the Golem of Prague, that draws upon her own diverse family heritage and her belief that there are many paths to grace.

What Do You Do When Religion Haunts Your Faith?
By Hannah Gourgey and Melanie P. Moore The two of us have been selected to lead

With a Strong Hand and an Outstretched Arm: The Passover Seder as Riot, Revolution, and Redemption
By Hannah Gourgey We Jewish Americans have a confession to make. There’s nothing we love more